Saturday, March 26, 2011

Opening Comments

It is no secret that I have had a desire to share the incredible talents and passion for Christ that the WBC students exhibit with my home state of Minnesota.  It has been on my heart since 2005.  I knew last spring that 2011 was the year to go!  There have been many bumps along the road to planning this trip, but as I read and study the Bible, I see that God always brought his people through to the other side!  I believe God has some special divine appointments in mind for each of these students and adults.

The trip will be busy, but in a strange way, it will not.  Students are so pressured in our society to be "doing something" 24-7.  Unfortunately, it is easy for all of us to be "doing" a lot of things that have no eternal value.  This trip gives students the chance to get out of their routinesand become other-focused, doing ministry in Jesus' name.  Even more important, students have a chance to slow down and learn how to be a disciple of Christ through teaching and learning from adults and one another on the trip.

One of the unique things about the high school choir mission trip is the fact that we don't just minister in one kind of environment.  Each day affords us a new venue to spread the Gospel.  Some days we may be in homeless shelters, missions, and places where people need physical needs met first.  Other days, we will be in churches where people have every physical need met, but may be cold and stale in their love for Christ.  We will be in community settings where people are not looking to hear a concert about Jesus, but just happen to walk by and hear the music.  Students will learn that there are many people in many situations that need Christ.  Young, old, rich, and poor, we will be ministering to them all on this trip!  Jesus tells us to GO and reach them!  What a privilege to be working for the Lord!

Just a quick note about our adult sponsors.  The adult sponsors accompanying the students on this mission are all gifted, trusted individuals who have a heart for students and evangelism.  They each pay financially to be servant leaders on this mission trip.  Please be in prayer for them as they teach and exhibit the attributes of Christ for nine days.

In closing, please know that I will do my best to provide the leadership you expect on this mission trip to Minnesota.  This is my 12th choir mission trip at WBC and I have learned that there are always unpredictable situations and difficult decisions that have to be made.  Please pray that I will have divine wisdom in making those decisions.  If you have any questions, please feel free to call me or email me anytime.

Rev. Matthew D. Sloma