
Jame B
Prayer Request- I pray that our sole purpose would be to make Jesus known and make him famous.
I pray that even though this is just "Georgia" to some, that we would understand that the reality of the gospel is that it is we must start at home. Like in Acts 1:8, Georgia is our Judea, so I just hope that spreading the gospel will be our main drive.
Favorite Memory- Man so many about that time in the bus when all the guys
in the back decided it was wise to take off their shirts. Haha. Good times.
Maja T
Prayer Request- Please pray that we will stay focused! There are so many distractions on tour,
Some being petty things like friendship issues, others being more serious, like sickness and fatigue. Please pray that we will be strong physically in order to handle the stress of the week! Secondly, please pray that we will be strong SPIRITUALLY. Satan never sleeps. He is always messing with the members of SWAT. He hates that we are giving our all to spread the name of Jesus.
Favorite Memory- My favorite SWAT memory from the past was New Orleans 2010. It was a
Wednesday, and we were all tired physically and spiritually; half of the choir's voices were gone, mine included. Desperate for God's help, we took a little time before the service to pray over the sanctuary. The power of prayer was demonstrated incredibly that night! It was a fantastic concert. Better than that, we were all reminded of how fantastic our God is. After the service, we couldn't stop worshiping. We sung along with the music the church played in the background. We raised our hands in reverence. One by one, we began to kneel at the altar, until every choir member was at the foot of the cross, crying out to the Lord in praise and thanksgiving. As long as I live, that is moment I will never forget.
Terri Y
Prayer Request- I am so very excited for tour! Every year God seems to make His name even more
known to us and the people we're ministering to. My prayer request is that we would simply neglect ourselves. We are the ones who always get in the way of everything God has for us. "Let go and let God”, is a common quote that fits well here. Although we are here to serve, we also need to remember it’s about relationships. "Don't let what you do for Christ outweigh who you are in Christ" is a quote by Steven Dunne that I absolutely love. May God save lives!
Favorite Memory- My favorite memory of choir tour are the moments where all the students and adults seem to bond through the Holy Spirit alone. It's a beautiful sight. I also love all the down time where we wait for a concert. So many inside jokes and memories have been made during these times!
Kara S
Prayer Request- People to be saved; safety; to grow closer to God
Looking Forward To- Going, making new friends and getting to know people better, putting missions into practice! STOMP!!
Lainey P
Prayer Request- My main prayer request for this tour is that the hearts of all the students will seek after God. If we get distracted by drama, by relationships, or by sin, we cannot minister as effectively.
Favorite Memory- My favorite choir tour memory of the past was actually the year I didn't go on Tour. I sang in the homecoming concert, and I was praying in the choir, very distraught in my soul, when someone behind me laid their hand on my shoulder and prayed for me. I still do not know who that person was, but they blessed me greatly, as I was feeling very alone.
Christopher S
Prayer Request- That we will all get plenty of sleep; and that we will have a desire to reach out to people who don't know Christ and change their lives, and I will be a good example and they will see Christ in my actions.
Looking Forward To- Going to help out with Salvation Army, singing songs to different age groups, People’s reactions, and stomp especially.
Alison H
Prayer Request- for those we are ministering too, to have open hearts and minds to the gospel,
as well as our own kids to grow closer to our Lord and for others who haven't accepted Him to
accept Him as their personal Savior and begin a relationship with Him.
Looking Forward To- I haven't been on tour before, but I am most looking forward to getting to know the kids better and worshipping alongside them!! SO EXCITED!!!!!! We never know how God will change our lives on these trips and more often than not, we end up learning more than we
anticipated! It's going to be a great week!
Kieran K
Prayer Request- That would we stay focused on God throughout the week, and grow more with Him.
Favorite Memory- It was our trip to New Orleans, and we did some prayer walking. It was quite an experience going around and praying for people, and asking them what they wanted us to pray about.
David H
Prayer Request- I pray for boldness, energy, and focus. I want to be completely willing and able to do what God has prepared for me.
Favorite Memory- The most unforgettable experience I have had on a choir tour was in New Orleans at the Wednesday evening concert. The Holy Spirit moved in a more powerful way than I had ever seen. I grew a lot closer to God throughout that trip and witnessed the amazing power of the Holy Spirit first hand.
Sean W
Prayer Request- My personal prayer request is to get that drive to really get deep in God's Word right before college so I don't just stop going to church but continue to go.
Favorite Memory- My best choir tour memory is watching Matt try to ride my unicycle.
Caleb E
Prayer Request- Ultimately, I want the Spirit to do what He wants to do in me, and that I'll become even more intimate with Him.
Favorite Memory- The 22 and 26 hour bus rides are my favorites. I honestly don't know why.
Rachael G
Prayer Request- My personal prayer request is that God would open the hearts of the people in Atlanta so they can be touched and spoken to by the Holy Spirit.
Favorite Memory- My favorite choir tour memory is probably last year when we went to Minnesota. We went to a downtown rescue mission and a women there was telling us stories an kept on saying, "Pretty scary huh? Pretty scary!" Ah, such good times!
Nick P
Prayer Request- Let our all of our words and actions be legitimate.
Favorite Memory- Playing music.
Doran A
Prayer Request-  I am praying for our choir to make an impact on Atlanta that hasn't been seen before. That everyone that we encounter on our mission trip will be brought closer towards God and their personal Savior Jesus Christ. I pray that we will show those who are less fortunate than we are that they have a purpose and that we love them as brothers and sisters.
Looking Forward To- Since I have never been on choir tour I don't know what to expect. All I do know is that I have had so much fun being in choir for the past year and that I can't wait to see what God has in store for me and everyone we encounter on our trip to Atlanta. It's going to be a blast.
Kevin B
Prayer Request- My personal prayer request is unity among the choir.
Favorite Memory- My favorite Choir tour memory is running through the National Cathedral on DC tour.
Rachel F
Prayer Request- That God would use us to impact the people who will hear us sing; Unity within the choir so that we are focused on our ministry
Favorite Memory- The bus ride back to Huntsville from Minnesota, or being frisked by scary prison guards in New Orleans...
Molly I
Prayer Request- that all distractions will be non-existent so everyone can really listen to God and hear what he is saying to each and every one of us.
Favorite Memory-  the hour following our Wednesday night concert in New Orleans and how everyone came together as a group supporting each other and just giving it all to God. It was so life changing.
Katie F
Prayer Request- that all distractions will be non-existent so everyone can really listen to God and hear what he is saying to each and every one of us. This is my first time ever evangelizing, prayer that God be in my head, heart and mouth.
Looking Forward To- just being in Atlanta! never been there before, hope to see a lot of it while I am there!
Jimmy B
Favorite Memory- The last performance of Choir Tour 2011, everyone gave it their all. You could sense the presence of God moving in the building. Saw lots of people raise their hands after Steven gave the message. Then we boarded the busses as it started to snow. Great memories!
Erin H
Prayer Request- that all distractions will be non-existent so everyone can really listen to God and hear what he is saying to each and every one of us. opportunities to share Christ and minister to people, total surrender in my own life
Favorite Memory- Soggy Bottom Boys in New Orleans; the concert in the men's homeless shelter in
Jordan B
Prayer Request- that all distractions will be non-existent so everyone can really listen to
God and hear what he is saying to each and every one of us. I pray that many will come to
know Christ.
Looking Forward To- I'm excited to have such an extraordinary witnessing opportunity.
Suzanne B
Prayer Request- that all distractions will be non-existent so everyone can really listen to
God and hear what he is saying to each and every one of us. My personal prayer request for tour
this year is that God breaks the fakes. The Lord sees all of creation and he knows when a person is faking a relationship with Him, having things under control or making up drama for attention. I am praying that in this week God just tears down their stronghold and in their hearts that He makes them face the fact that He can help them if only they let him in. That Jesus will show them that He is missing in their lives. All the fakers that are in the choir and that the choir will encounter, I pray that God breaks their stubborn rebellion.
Favorite Memory- My favorite choir tour memory happened on the New Orleans trip. IT was the end of our Wednesday concert, half way through the week and already tired out of our minds. We chatted after the concert and the church we were at played some Hillsong or some Christian artist as background music. One voice began to sing along. Others joined in. In a matter of minutes the entire choir was at the alter or in circle groups on our knees crying out to God. It was a kind of pure passion that I know I won’t ever forget.